Traditional Portraiture outshines what photos fail to reflect…

Portraiture has been existing since ancient Egyptian civilisations. Before the invention of photography, a painted, sculpted, or drawn portrait was the only way to record the appearance of someone. Nowadays taking pictures and selfies has become the latest trend with technology. Still, the value that a painted portrait holds remains priceless.

A portrait painting, be it traditional or modern, launches a special chapter in the subject’s life rather than just a moment. Portraits speak volumes about people and highlight their accomplishments authentically.

Loveli’s Arts knows how to capture smiles but not only! The aim is to create soul-touching portrait paintings to which people will feel connected when they will recognize themselves in them.

If you want to commemorate a milestone in someone’s life or career, a portrait is an excellent choice and Loveli’s Arts offers a wide range of sizes and styles – Acrylic, oil, mixed media with coloured pencils included or Conté technique in both color and monochrome. Here, you will get your custom and personalized portrait painting done at an affordable price.

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